Career Outcomes

Welcome to the ACES Career Outcomes page. Each year, ACES distributes the First Destination Survey (FDS)/Graduation Survey to all students to inquire about their primary status after graduation. The guidelines and protocols for the FDS are governed by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and separates students' status into 6 distinct categories: 1) working, 2) continuing education, 3) serving in the military, 4) volunteering, 5) not seeking or 6) still seeking.

The below dashboard is a compilation of all student responses since 2017 and is divided into 3 report pages: 1) career outcomes overview, 2) working students dashboard, and 3) the continuing education dashboard. Each page highlights a different section of the First Destination survey depending on a students' primary status after graduation.

If you are a UW faculty or staff member, please select the button below the report to access the Faculty and Staff report. You will need to login to PowerBI with your regular UW credentials. If you have trouble accessing the report, please email for troubleshooting assistance.

Contact Us

Advising • Career • Exploratory Studies Center
222 Knight Hall Dept. 3195
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2398
Email: aces@uwyo,edu