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Wyoming Teacher Mentor Corps

Wyoming Teacher Mentor Coprs

As an expert teacher, you know the value of receiving support throughout your career; especially during the first years in the classroom. The Wyoming Teacher-Mentor Corps (WTMC) is designed to foster teacher excellence and provide expert support for emerging teachers.


student and flower on campus



The College of Education is seeking nominations for Teacher Mentors to participate in the WTMC. Nominations can be made by any member of the school community, including teachers, staff members, school leaders, parents, school board and community members. Self-nominations are also welcome.

Teacher Mentors will support emerging teachers during the pre-service or induction phases. Benefits include a stipend of up to $1,500 and coverage for travel and substitute teaching costs. In addition to expanding their knowledge as educators, Teacher Mentors get the chance to establish valuable professional connections across the state.

Required activities include participation in two three-day summer institutes held on campus at the University of Wyoming, two fall and one spring in-person retreats, and regular virtual community-of-practice gatherings. Fellows will work with pre-service or early-career educators during WTMC training. More details about the benefits and requirements of the program are included below.




What is the Wyoming Teacher Mentor Corps?

  • Expert in the field of education
  • Constructive critic
  • Good listener
  • Views mentorship as an opportunity to learn
  • Shares knowledge and skills
  • Optimistic about the field of education
  • Open to new ideas
  • $500 stipend for each summer institute attended
  • $500 stipend for completion of all program requirements
  • Substitute teacher costs covered
  • Travel costs covered
  • Expand your knowledge as an educator
  • Establish valuable professional connections statewide
  • Play a role in shaping the future of the Wyoming economy
  • June/July 2024: 3-day summer institute June 26-28 
  • Fall 2024: Fall retreat and completion ceremony September 24-25
  • Spring 2025: Spring retreat (date TBD)


Have a question about the Master Educator Competency Program?

Please contact us:

Colby Gull

Colby Gull