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    Teacher Preparation and Advising Office

    Dept. 3374

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: (307) 766-2230


    Residency (Student Teaching)

    Residency Application:

    This residency application is for all students applying for residency (student teaching). Applications must be submitted a year prior to your residency semester. The due dates applications are specified below.

    Residency Application Deadlines:

    Fall Residency: First Friday of May

    Spring Residency: First Friday of December

    *Please see your advisor to determine the appropriate application timeline. 


    Application Essay Questions:

    1. Picture yourself in a job interview with a principal. Explain why you are pursuing a career in education.

    2. Select three words that describe you well. Explain how these words relate to the kind of school and classroom setting you wish to experience during your Residency in Student Teaching Semester.

    3. Share a few strengths you possess that will be beneficial in your relationship with your mentor, students, parents, and other professionals in the school district.

    Residency Placement Procedures:

    Research indicates that pre-service teachers benefit from an experience that revolves around a partnership with university faculty and public school mentor teachers. To facilitate such a partnership the School of Teacher Education works closely with teachers and administrative teams from Wyoming school districts. The process for making placements begins when a student completes the application for Residency in Student Teaching. This application includes several questions that will eventually be shared with members of the placement team to assist in the placement process, similar to a job application. Therefore, candidates should take extra care when writing their responses. This application may also be considered by one or more district teams depending upon factors which are outside the student’s control (e.g., number of mentor teachers available in a particular content area, particular strengths of a mentor teacher, and number of students needing a placement in the major content area).  

    Student teaching placements are made in collaboration with school districts to the extent that district capacity allows. Final placement decisions for Residency applicants are made collaboratively by the UW Placement Coordinator, faculty, and school district personnel. Administrative and logistical support for the placement process and for communication with candidates is coordinated by the UW Placement Coordinator. Once a placement is confirmed, the student receives an email with the details of the assignment, e.g. School/district, grade/content area, and mentor teacher name and contact information. 

    Contact Sarah Rundall for placement questions.


    Residency Information:


    The student teaching residency is designed as an authentic, culminating experience, drawing upon what is learned in college courses and previous field experiences. Residency allows our university students to develop their skills and understanding while under the guidance and supervision of the student teaching team. Research from several decades indicates that practicing teachers perceive this experience as the single most valuable experience of their teacher education program. The student teacher, mentor teacher, and UW faculty comprise an educational team for this culminating field experience. During their 16- week residency, student teachers will gradually assume increasing responsibilities in their assigned classroom(s), experiencing the excitement of teaching and learning as well as meeting the challenges of complex professional expectations. Student teachers will also be required to demonstrate to the other educational team members that the program outcomes have been met. All members (including the student teacher) of the educational team have responsibilities for this final phase of the teacher education program. 

    Students will be expected to collaborate closely with their mentor teacher in planning the semester based on their level of preparedness and the unique context of the mentor teacher's classroom. They may be expected to take a secondary role, the lead role, or team-teach with the mentor teacher, keeping in mind that the students in these classrooms are the primary focus. The mentor teacher coaches and offers reflective opportunities throughout the entire semester through modeling, guidance, and observation, providing the daily critical feedback necessary for the transition to a successful teaching career. 

    During the semester, student teachers will have the opportunity to visit other classrooms, programs, and schools as well as interview teachers and administrators. Since time away from the classroom must be carefully planned to ensure effective teaching and learning, student teachers are expected to communicate and schedule their time away from the classroom with their mentor teacher. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the student teacher to be aware of and meet all evaluation criteria and deadlines. 

    Student teaching is a full-time job! 

    You will be expected to participate in before- or after-school activities that your mentor teacher has as part of their regular duties (e.g., staff meetings, parent conferences, professional development workshops, school nights, etc.). We urge you to prepare for this final semester of your program by planning to focus 100% of your time and effort on your Residency experience. The Residency Handbook, found on the link above, will provide student teachers with additional details and expectations on the Residency experience. 

    Contact Elizabeth McMahan for residency questions.



    Contact Us

    Teacher Preparation and Advising Office

    Dept. 3374

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: (307) 766-2230
