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    Contact Us

    Human Resources Benefits Office

    Campus: Hill Hall rooms 339, 341, 343

    Mail: Dept. 3422

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Office Hours: Monday - Friday

    Regular: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

    Summer: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

    Phone: 307.766.2377

    Fax: 307.766.5636

    Email: hrbenofc@uwyo.edu

    Employee Benefits

    Americans with Disability Act ADA Accommodation

    University of Wyoming's top priority is to protect the health and safety of each UW community member: staff, faculty, students and citizens of the regions where we teach, learn and work. We also aim to maintain the highest quality of educational outcomes, experiences and work products. All actions and activities we are planning have been tested against these priorities, with full adherence to public health directives and university policy.
    The University of Wyoming will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in employment practices and activities, including, but not limited to, application procedures, hiring, tenure, promotion, advancement, termination, training, compensation and benefits.
    ADA sunset icon

    The following steps give a general outline to initiate the reasonable accommodation process:

    1. Fill out the Reasonable Accommodation Intake form. The questionnaire has been updated with specific questions to assist the University with determining if your request will be processed as an accommodation under the ADA. 
    2. The ADA Case Manager will receive a copy of the questionnaire and make contact with you if medical information and/or further documentation is needed by the University from your Health Care Provider. 
    3. Based upon the information provided, the ADA Case Manager will determine if you: 
      1. Have a disability as defined by ADA and in need of a reasonable accommodation; or
      2. Do not have a disability as defined by ADA and in need of a reasonable accommodation
    4. Your supervisor will also be notified of your specific request for accommodation. 
      • Reasonable Accommodations will go to Appointing Authority for approval. 
    5. If an agreement with your supervisor or Appointing Authority regarding your request is not reached, Human Resources may at our discretion facilitate, schedule and attend a meeting with them and you to clarify your request and/or explore potential alternatives to the requested accommodation.
    6. You will be notified in writing once a final decision is made regarding your accommodation.
    7. If an accommodation has been approved, the arrangement may be periodically assessed for effectiveness. Any additional requests for changes or modifications to the most recently approved arrangement can be made by employees to the Human Resources ADA contact.
    8. If the accommodation is not granted, or if you are not satisfied with the accommodation that is granted, then you can make a request in writing for an additional review by the ADA Coordinator within 10 calendar days, by emailing adacoordinator@uwyo.edu, excluding school holidays, of the determination of accommodations. If you have additional documentation to help with the review, submit that documentation at the same time you are submitting your additional request in writing. The ADA Coordinator will review, make a decision, and notify the employee of the decision within 10 calendar days, excluding school holidays, of receipt of the employee’s request for review. This decision is final.
    9. University Regulation 4-2 (Discrimination and Harassment) pertains to discrimination and harassment, including discrimination based on a disability.  For more information on the regulation and complaint procedures, contact the Equal Opportunity Report and Response (EORR) office at report-it@uwyo.edu or 307-766-5200.
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    Job Accommodation Network

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    Email ADA Contact

    Email ADA Contact
    Contact Us

    Human Resources Benefits Office

    Campus: Hill Hall rooms 339, 341, 343

    Mail: Dept. 3422

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Office Hours: Monday - Friday

    Regular: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

    Summer: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

    Phone: 307.766.2377

    Fax: 307.766.5636

    Email: hrbenofc@uwyo.edu