Professor Robison's Publications

Jason Anthony Robison, Equity Along the Yellowstone, 96 Colo. L. Rev. ___ (forthcoming 2025) (SSRN link)

Jason Anthony Robison, Relational River: Arizona v. Navajo Nation & the Colorado, 72 UCLA L. Rev. ___ (forthcoming 2025) (SSRN link)

Jason Anthony Robison, The Changing Colorado, 59 Idaho L. Rev. ___ (forthcoming 2024)

Jason Anthony Robison, Law of Water Rights & Resources (Thomson Reuters, 2024) (Thomson Reuters link)

Jason Anthony Robison, Epilogue: What Is the Río Silala?, 23 Wyo. L. Rev. 2 (2023) (Journal link

Jason Robison, Arizona v. Navajo Nation: What SCOTUS Didn’t Do Along the Colorado River, JFleck at Inkstain Blog (July 12, 2023) (Blog link)

Jason Anthony Robison ed., Cornerstone at the Confluence: Navigating the Colorado River Compact’s Next Century (Univ. of Arizona Press, 2022) (UA Press link)

Jason A. Robison & John C. Schmidt, Centennial Perspectives on the Colorado River Compact, 68 Rocky Mtn. Min. L. Fdn. 8-1 (2022)

Kekek Start, Autumn Bernhardt, Monte Mills & Jason Robison, Re-Indigenizing Yellowstone, 22 Wyo. L. Rev. 397 (2022) (Journal link)

Jason Anthony Robison, Confluence: The Colorado River Compact’s Centennial, 21 Wyo. L. Rev. 1 (2022) (Journal link)

Jason Robison, Matthew McKinney & Daryl Vigil, Community in the Colorado River Basin, 57 Idaho L. Rev. 1 (2021) (SSRN link)

Jason Anthony Robison, Walking, in Thomas Minckley, Jessica Flock & Patrick Kikut eds., A River Out of Time 103 (2021)

Tara Righetti, Robert Keiter, Sam Kalen, Jason Robison & Temple Stoellinger, Unbecoming Adversaries: Natural Resources Federalism in Wyoming, 21 Wyo. L. Rev. 289 (2021) (invited article for UW College of Law centennial issue) (Journal link)

Jason Anthony Robison, Indigenizing Grand Canyon, 2021 Utah L. Rev. 101 (2021). (invited article for 2019 Wallace Stegner Center Young Scholar lecture) Westlaw | SSRN

Jason Robison, Daniel McCool & Thomas Minckley eds., Vision & Place: John Wesley Powell & Reimagining the Colorado River Basin (Univ. of California Press, 2020)

Jason Anthony Robison, Grand Canyon as Legal Creation, 61 J. Ariz. Hist. 557 (2019) (invited essay for Journal of Arizona History’s Grand Canyon National Park centennial issue)

Erum Sattar, Jason Robison & Daniel McCool, Evolution of Water Institutions in the Indus River Basin: Reflections from the Law of the Colorado River, 51 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 715 (2018).  Westlaw | SSRN | Lexis | Hein Online

Jason Robison, Barbara Cosens, Sue Jackson, Kelsey Leonard & Daniel McCool, Indigenous Water Justice, 22 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 841 (2018) SSRN | Westlaw

Jason Anthony Robison, The Colorado River Revisited88 U. Colo. L. Rev. 875 (2017). SSRN | Westlaw

Jason Anthony Robison, Climate Change & Allocation Institutions in the Colorado River Basin, in Western Water Policy and Planning in a Variable and Changing Climate (CRC Press 2016). SSRN | CRC Press

Jason A. Robison, Colorado River Water in Southern California: Evolution of the Allocation Framework, 1922-2015, 27 W. Legal Hist. 139 (2015) (invited article for special issue on southern California water in honor of Norris Hundley, Jr.) (Second-Runner Up for 2014 Jerome I. Braun Prize in Western Legal History). SSRN | PDF

Jason A. Robison, Wyoming’s Big Horn General Stream Adjudication, 15 Wyo. L. Rev. 243 (2015). WLR | SSRN | Westlaw | Hein Online | Lexis

Jason Robison, Katja Bratrschovsky, Jaime Latcham, Eliza Morris, Vanessa Palmer & Arturo Villanueva, Challenge and Response in the Colorado River Basin, 16 Water Pol’y 12 (2014). IWA Online

Jason A. Robison & Lawrence J. MacDonnell, Arizona v. California & the Colorado River Compact:  Fifty Years Ago, Fifty Years Ahead, 3 Ariz. J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 130 (2014). AJELP | SSRN | Lexis | Westlaw

Jason A. Robison & Douglas S. Kenney, Equity & the Colorado River Compact, 42 Envtl. L. 1157 (2012). Hein Online | Westlaw | Lexis | Environmental Law

Jason A. Robison, A Compact In and of Itself, Book Review of Norris Hundley, Jr., Water and the West: The Colorado River Compact and the Politics of Water in the American West (2d ed. 2009). H-Net (September 2010). H-Net

Jason A. Robison, Comment, Shaping Oregon Climate Policy in Light of the Kyoto Protocol, 21 J. Envtl. L. & Litig. 207 (2006). Hein Online | Lexis | Westlaw | Internet

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