Digital Scholarship Center

person giving workshop in Digital Scholarship Center


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“Digital scholarship is the use of digital evidence and method, digital authoring, digital publishing, digital curation and preservation, and digital use and reuse of scholarship.” (Abby Smith Rumsey, "New-Model Scholarly Communication: Road Map for Change.")

The Digital Scholarship Center (DSC), as part of the University Libraries, aims to assist the University of Wyoming community as they extend traditional methods of research and teaching using new media and digital technologies. By providing expertise, technology, and space for these endeavors, the Center will support faculty, staff, and students as they become more digital, entrepreneurial, interdisciplinary, and inclusive. The Center offers a wide range of services, including consultations, trainings, and workshops.
The Digital Scholarship Center is located in Coe Library, Room 302.

Tools and services to help enhance the visibility of faculty research, enrich scholarly identity, and support the discovery of potential collaborators.
  • Researcher profiles
  • Metrics
  • Copyright and fair use
Research data management services support researchers in meeting funder and publisher requirements for data sharing and ensuring that research data are usable over time.
  • Institutional data repository
  • Research data management
  • Data wrangling
  • Data management plans
The Digital Scholarship Center firmly believes in the principles surrounding the Open Access movement. They can assist in all stages of the open access lifecycle, including creation, use, and publication of materials.
  • Institutional repository
  • OJS
  • Open educational resources
  • Open access support


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UW Libraries

Connect with us:

Dept. 3334
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
(307) 766-3190
(800) 442-6757