Doctoral Neuroscience Program


Debbie Swierczek Photo

Debbie Swierczek

Program Coordinator

Transdisciplinary Programs

Phone: (307) 766-4128


Neuroscience Students

Navin Adhikari

Navin Adhikari

Lab: Dr. Yun Li

The Li lab studies how neural activity carries information to guide behavior. We study early neural circuit alterations using mouse models of neurodegenerative disorders. We apply multidisciplinary approaches, including innovative miniScope in vivo calcium imaging in freely behaving mice, in combination of optogenetics and viral-genetic tools, to study neural circuit mechanisms of depression, autism, and dementia.

Muzayyana Akhmadjonova

Muzayyana Akhmadjonova

Lab: Dr. Grace Shearrer

I study the intersection between neuroscience and nutrition, specifically the association between brain functions, neurochemical signaling, and eating behavior. We seek to identify neuroendocrinal changes in obesity using eye-tracking, fMRI, programming, and some fancy 3D printing!


Baizar Alamiri (Information coming soon) 

Lab: Dr. Adam Nelson 

Julianne Allgood

JuliAnne Allgood

Lab: Dr. Jared Bushman

My project aims to ascertain the regenerative differences and capabilities of branched peripheral nerve autografts vs. allografts. In addition to branched grafts, I also consider the immunogenic effects of allografts and the impact that has on the nerve’s regenerative success.

Sirjan Chhatwal photo

Sirjan Chhatwal

Lab: Dr. Kara Pratt

I investigate the development and differentiation of the Xenopus tadpole retinotegmental projection, a direct projection between retinal ganglion cell axons and neurons located in the midbrain tegmentum, to further characterize its role in processing visual stimuli. We use multidisciplinary approaches such as anatomical, molecular, and electrophysiological techniques to study these visual circuits. 

 Sishir Gautam Photo

Sishir Gautam


Lab: Dr. Yun Li

Project Summary:

Centered on systems neuroscience, I am using mouse models to investigate the function of prefrontal neural circuits and how their dysfunctions contribute to human brain disorders under the supervision of Dr. Yun Li. My main research project employs innovative techniques like miniscope in vivo calcium imaging and coupled with TRAP2 facilitated neuromodulation to understand the neural circuit based pathogenic mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia.


Jason Landen(Information coming soon)

Lab: Dr. Adam Nelson

Kirill Makas (Information Coming Soon) 


Lab: Dr. Yun Li



Madison Ruhmann (Information Coming Soon)


Lab: Dr. WIlliam Todd

Karthik Swaminathan (Information Coming Soon)


Lab: Dr. Ram Shukla

Danielle Taylor 

photo of student

Lab: Dr. Nicole Bedford

During my undergraduate, I cultivated a deep interest in the neural basis of motor control, and the urination circuit offers an unusually tractable model system in which to study the general principles of motor control. Unlike other motor behaviors that are executed by multiple muscles and complex muscle synergies, urination relies on only two muscles: the urinary bladder and urethral sphincter. Additionally, the neuronal projections that allow the brain to communicate with the lower urinary tract via the spinal cord are well-characterized. During my PhD, I will work to uncover how aging affects circadian regulation of this urination circuit.


Genevieve Guidone

Genevieve Guidone


Lab:Dr. William Todd

My research interests revolve around the neural basis of learning and memory through the view of the circadian rhythm. I am interested in extending this curiosity to touch on questions regarding the impact different circadian time points have on addictive behaviors with a focus on extinction related phenomena.


Danielle Jean

Danielle Jean


Lab:Dr. Yun Li 

I study depression in the medial and prefrontal cortex and amygdala using a mouse model under Dr. Li. Depression is induced in the mice through chronic social defeat stress models and techniques such as grin lens imlantation and viral infections are used to study/manipulate the behavior of the mice. The main prupose of the research is to gain a better understanding on the neurobiology and molecular mechanisms of depression.

Quiana Jeffs

Quiana Jeffs

Lab:Drs. William Todd & Jonathan Prather

My goal is to identify factors that influence sensory perception and take advantage of these factors to improve the quality of learning experiences. To achieve this goal, I plan on examining the learning experiences of grade school and undergraduate students in the classroom under the supervision of Dr. Prather, and investigating circadian rhythms as a potential factor influencing sensory perception in mice under the supervision of Dr. Todd.

Rashmi Thapa

Rashmi Thapa

Lab:Dr. Yun Li

We study early neural circuit alterations using mouse models of neurodegenerative disorders including frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and Alzheimer’s disease. We utilize genetically encoded calcium indicators to specifically label neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex and record their calcium transients in freely behaving mice using a custom-built miniscope imaging system. Additionally, we also explore the potential molecular targets for early intervention of these brain disorders.

Uwemedimo Udoh

Uwemedimo Udoh

Lab:Dr. Kara Pratt

My research uses electrophysiological, immunohistochemical, molecular and behavioral approaches in developing Xenopus laevis tadpoles to study how neurons self-assemble into functional circuits that can transform external stimuli into perception.

Yihan Wang


Yihan Wang

Lab:Dr. Qian-Quan Sun

Identification of the neuronal circuits and mechanisms controlling emotional behaviors.

Kaiyuan Zheng

Kaiyuan Zheng

Lab:Dr. Kara Pratt


My research interests are about the visual system of the Xenopus Laevis tadpoles. Currently, I'm focusing on the retinotegmentum circuitry and its function related to both visual and non-visual stimuli. I'm also interested in discovering the importance and functionality of hindbrain projection to the midbrain tegmental region.

Contact Us

Neuroscience Graduate Program

Debbie Swierczek, Program Coordinator

School of Graduate Education
Knight Hall 247

Phone: 307-766-4128


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