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Wyoming EPSCoR

Physical Science 210

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-6267


Undergraduate Research & Inquiry Day

URID April 20, 2024


Calling all undergraduates, faculty, family, staff, and friends! You are invited to participate in Wyoming’s Undergraduate Research and Inquiry Across the Disciplines event, formerly Undergraduate Research Day.
The University of Wyoming and Wyoming’s community colleges provide many opportunities for undergraduates to participate in independent research projects across multiple disciplines such as agriculture, business, education, engineering, health sciences, biological and physical sciences, mathematical sciences, social sciences, and the arts and humanities. Undergraduate Research and Inquiry Across the Disciplines event recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of these student researchers.

Governor Gordon has announced April 20, 2024 to be a Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry Across the Disciplines. See the signed proclamation here.

All sessions are open to the public, and all are encouraged to join in the celebration. URID 2024 will be held in the Classroom Building (morning sessions) and the Union (afternoon sessions). 


Presentation Schedule

Presentation schedules are now finalized. All presentations will take place in the Classroom Building between 8:00 am and 1:00 pm. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

Pre-event Workshops

Drs. Jamie Crait and Tom Grant will be hosting two workshops leading up to URID for students on April 15th in CR 118 starting at 11:30 am. 


Past presentations and resources:



7:30 - 8:30 am: Breakfast in the Classroom Building Lobby

8:00 am - 1:00 pm: Presentations in the Classroom Building

12:00 - 1:30: Lunch in the Union

12:30 - 1:30: Welcome from VP of Research & Economic Development Chitnis, panel discussion in the Union Ballroom

1:30 - 3:30: Posters in the Union Family Room and West Ballroom


About Undergraduate Research and Inquiry Day

The purpose of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry Across the Disciplines is to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of undergraduate student researchers. The topics will include research in the areas of agriculture, business, education, engineering, health sciences, biological and physical sciences, mathematical sciences, social sciences, and the arts and humanities.

Former Undergraduate Research and Inquiry Presenters have said:
"This research or any real world research greatly benefits me in ways that a book problem just can not."
"This research allowed me to design, implement, modify, and analyze my research process and I find that to be incredibly helpful and an overall great contribution to my educational experience."

Research and Inquiry events are sponsored by the UW Offices of Research and Economic Development, Wyoming EPSCoR-IDeA, Student Affairs, and Academic Affairs; and also by the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Agriculture, College of Engineering and Applied Science, the College of Health Sciences, the Honors College, Wyoming INBRE, the McNair Scholars Program, Phi Beta Kappa, Wyoming EPSCoR, and the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium.
Please continue to visit our site for updated information on Research and Inquiry events. For further information, please contact Shawna McBride (

Our Mission:

To facilitate engagement in original research, scholarship, and creative activities through mentoring and relationship building for all undergraduate students.

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Phi Beta Kappa Undergraduate Research & Inquiry Day Awards

About Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Since its founding in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa has celebrated excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and championed freedom of thought. As America’s most prestigious academic honor society, PBK advocates for the value and benefits of liberal arts and sciences education. The Alpha of Wyoming Chapter received its charter in 1940.

The Phi Beta Kappa Awards for Excellence in the Liberal Arts are made possible by an endowment presented to the University of Wyoming PBK chapter by Harald V. Johnson of Bensenville, Illinois. The members of the Alpha of Wyoming Chapter are honored to be able to recognize undergraduate researchers who participate in the Undergraduate Research & Inquiry Day with two awards:

The Phi Beta Kappa Liberal Arts Award honors a project that demonstrates excellence in the Liberal Arts (i.e., the arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics). The project should preferably be a study of the human condition (intellectual, ethical or social issues), and be intended to develop general knowledge and intellectual capacities. Excluded from consideration are projects that demonstrate professional, technical or vocational skills. (See the description below to determine if the project qualifies for the PBK Integrated Award.) 

The Phi Beta Kappa Integrated Award honors a project that successfully integrates science  (biological, physical, technical, or vocational research) with the human condition. Excluded from consideration are projects that only demonstrate professional, technical or vocational skills unrelated to humanistic inquiry or the human condition. Also excluded are projects that only meet the requirements for the PBK Liberal Arts Award (above).

NOTE: When applying for consideration for these awards, please have consideration for the PBK judging team who must read all abstracts submitted. Do not submit your project if it does not meet either of the award descriptions above. Also consider the following judging criteria.

PBK Judging Criteria

Abstract (Projects may not be judged if the abstract is inappropriate or insufficient)

1. Does the project, as stated in the abstract, meet the description for the award considered?
2. Is the abstract formatted correctly and well written? Does it sufficiently state the justification, objectives, significance, and outcomes?


3. Justification / impetus (The lead-in / reason for the study is clear. Funneling is effective)
4. Objectives (The purpose/objectives of the study were adequately elucidated) 
5. Problem Statement and/or Significance (are adequately stated)
6. Deliver a prepared presentation in a natural, confident, and conversational manner (The speaker is well prepared, uses notes effectively)
7. Interact effectively with audience (The speaker recognizes or anticipates questions, adequately acknowledging opposing viewpoints, and/or attempting a professional response to alternate perspectives)
8. Findings/Outcomes (Overall findings and outcomes are adequately stated).
9. Does the presentation clearly exemplify liberal arts? (OR) Does the presentation clearly integrate science with the human condition?

   Contact Us

Wyoming EPSCoR

Physical Science 210

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-6267
